ChalkZone Wiki
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The Beanie Boys are a group of likeminded minions who serve Skrawl. They are characterized by their black and yellow shirts and namesake beanies.


The Beanie Boys have rhyme to introduce themselves, which goes as follows:

Beanie Boys, Beanie Boys
We're the boys that Skrawl employs
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Hee, hee, hee, hee
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ha!


  • In their first appearance The Skrawl, they were called the Peanut Boys as opposed to Beanie Boys.
  • It is unknown how and why they are willing to befriend Skrawl unlike the other zoners in chalkzone, who found him ugly.
  • the beanie boys resembles bees due to them wearing black and yellow shirts.