Chunky is a song was composed and written by Bill Burnett. The song was performed by all voice actors: Candi Milo (Snap), E.G. Daily (Rudy), and Hynden Walch (Penny).
ChalkZone Gang:
Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh
Chunky! Chunky! Chunky!
Chunky chunky peanut butter
Quick as you can get it
Open it and spread it
Ooh you won't regret it
Chunky chunky peanut butter
Chunky peanut butter
Sets my heart a flutter
Makes me st-st-stutter
Chunky chunky peanut butter
Ooh, I'd like to use it to paint my room
Ooh, maybe when I'm older I'll spread that peanut butter all over the moon
Chunky! Chunky!
Chunky Chunky Chunky Chunky Chunky Chunky Chunky Chunky CHUNKY!!!